Social Media vs. University of Tennessee Athletics

Social Media vs. University of Tennessee Athletics

Our own Rick Laney discusses social media reaction to the University of Tennessee’s attempt to hire Greg Shiano on WATE (ABC) News Knoxville.  From WATE (ABC) News KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) – University of Tennessee fans flexed their muscles Sunday in an...
New meal kits from Paleo Foods & More

New meal kits from Paleo Foods & More

Knoxville’s popular Paleo Foods & More restaurant has launched take-home meal kits, and the company says it can barely keep up with the overwhelming demand for its healthy, locally-sourced meals. Home meal kits are quickly becoming the norm for many busy American...
Holidays with aging and elderly loved ones

Holidays with aging and elderly loved ones

As the holidays approach, we often see loved ones we haven’t seen in months. Sometimes we notice things in our aging parents and grandparents that make us worry about them living on their own. How will you know if it’s time for them to have help? One answer is clear...