Randy Sartin: Principal, Randy Sartin Photography

I started as a sports photographer,”

says the East Tennessee–born Knoxville-based multi-talented lensman Randy Sartin. “Some of my first work was for MaxPreps [the all-high school sports digital media service]. I shot a lot of really cool high-profile, complex, well-lit portraits, big tournaments, and made a name for myself. I started with a small wire service, and I was soon shooting UT sports events, NASCAR, and the Tennessee Titans.

One of Sartin’s images was picked up as the cover for a Sports Illustrated SEC Preview issue, and he was soon shooting sports photos for USA Today.

Sartin was looking to expand his portfolio, and he took a turn into commercial and industrial photography: “People cutting concrete or drilling holes for foundations on construction sites, heavy industrial manufacturing concerns—I’ve even done several big jobs in underground mines on this side of the Mississippi River,” he says. 

“I come from an equipment and industrial background”—Sartin was service manager for a construction equipment rental outfit and owned a construction equipment repair facility in Knoxville before his photography career—”and so I’m comfortable around all the equipment and the noise and the dirt.”

Sartin’s photography adventure continued—

and he was soon interested in and focused on architectural photography. “Every architectural shoot is nothing but a big adventure in problem solving,” says Sartin. “I love the technical and aesthetic aspects.” Today, Sartin focuses on architectural, construction, commercial, industrial—and even aerial and drone photography.

“A lot of times I want a camera twenty feet in the air,” he says “I could use tripods but there is nothing quite as quick and easy as firing up the drone and going twenty or forty feet up in the air. I use a DJI Phantom 4 Pro. I was flying airplanes when I was thirteen years old—and I have a good knowledge of general aviation. I didn’t get my license—but I soloed on my sixteenth birthday!”

“One of my strengths today is the ability to get through problems with a minimum of issues for the client,” adds Sartin. “I’m not going to disrupt your entire work schedule if the building is occupied; I’m going to find some way to work around that. If there’s a display case or something in the way, we’ll figure out a way to hide it, minimize it, do something without disrupting the entire work flow of what’s going on around there.

“I do love—and pride myself—on the problem-solving aspects of architectural photography.”

Randy Sartin has partnered with Rick Laney Marketing for nearly a decade

For nearly a decade, Sartin has worked extensively with Rick Laney Marketing.

His work for Rick Laney Marketing has included an award-winning advertising campaign for a local bank, a variety of billboard campaigns, informational brochures and ads for manufacturing companies, tourist attractions, home builders, and restaurants. Sartin has also worked on video production projects throughout Tennessee for Rick Laney Marketing.



For more information about Sartin Photography, visit his website here.

Rick Laney, President and CEO of Rick Laney Marketing, said, “Randy Sartin has been part of our team almost from the very beginning because he always delivers the shots we need. No matter how much planning goes into a shoot, there are always surprises – and Randy never fails to find a way to deliver breathtaking photos.”


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Rhonda Krenzer: East Tennessee Real Estate Business Owner

Mandy Hancock: Principal, Mandy Hancock Law

Julie DuPree: Founder, DuPree Homes